Sales invoice customisation for displaying quantity and rate columns

This video demonstrates how to customise your sales invoice to show quantity and rate columns. Note that this only applies when you have a BAS Off (cloud) hosted file.

You can download the template sales invoice with quantity and rate columns by clicking here: template_sales_invoice_quantity.odt

Field names

The fields that you can use on the document are:

Transaction level fields

documentNumber The document number/reference
transactionDate The transaction date formatted as DD MMM YYYY
documentHeading A heading such as Tax Invoice
documentType The document type, e.g. Invoice, can be used in the text Invoice number or invoice reference
businessFullAddress The full address of your business. It may be better to simply embed this in your custom template so that you get full control of the formatting rather than use this field.
businessPostalAddress/Line1T First line of your business address
businessPostalAddress/Line2T Second line of your business address
businessPostalAddress/LocalityNameT Your business address locality
businessPostalAddress/PostcodeT Your business address post code
businessPostalAddress/StateOrTerritoryC Your business address state
totalAmount Total invoice amount with no formatting
totalAmountDollarSign Total invoice amount formatted
totalProvisionAmount Total provision amount, not formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalProvisionAmount
totalProvisionAmountDollarSign Total provision amount, formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalProvisionAmountDollarSign
totalNetAmount Total net amount, not formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalNetAmount
totalNetAmountDollarSign Total net amount, formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalNetAmountDollarSign
provisionAmountRev The negative total provision amount, not formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalProvisionAmountRev
totalProvisionAmountRevDollarSign The negative total provision amount, not formatted. Note for GST use gstTaxable/totalProvisionAmountRevDollarSign


counterparty/counterpartyFullAddress The full address of the counterparty
counterparty/counterpartyAddress/addressLine1 Address line 1 for the counterparty
counterparty/counterpartyAddress/addressLine2 Address line 2 for the counterparty
counterparty/counterpartyAddress/addressLocality The countarparty’s address locality
counterparty/counterpartyAddress/addressState The countarparty’s address state
counterparty/counterpartyAddress/addressPostcode The countarparty’s address post code

Transaction line level fields

transactionLine/netAmount Amount net of any tax amounts (tax amounts include all provisions not just GST)
transactionLine/netAmountDollarSign Amount net of any tax amounts formatted (tax amounts include all provisions not just GST)
transactionLine/amount The amount including any tax
transactionLine/amountDollarSign The amount including any tax formatted
transactionLine/provisionAmount The tax amount
transactionLine/provisionAmountDollarSign The tax amount formatted
transactionLine/provisionAmountRev The tax amount with the sign reversed
transactionLine/provisionAmountRevDollarSign The tax amount with the sign reversed, formatted
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netAmount The amount net of gst. i.e. net of the provision amount where the provision amount is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netAmountDollarSign The amount net of gst formatted. i.e. net of the provision amount where the provision amount is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/amountDollarSign The amount formatted
transactionLine/gstTaxable/provisionAmount The tax amount where the tax amount is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/provisionAmountRev The negative of the tax amount where the tax amount is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/provisionAmountDollarSign The tax amount formatted where the tax amount is GST
transactionLine/startDateTime Start date and time
transactionLine/endDateTime End date and time
transactionLine/startDate Start date
transactionLine/startTime Start time
transactionLine/startTime12Hour Start time formatted to 12 hour format
transactionLine/endDate End date
transactionLine/endTime End time
transactionLine/endTime12Hour End time formatted in 12 hour format
transactionLine/quantity Quantity
transactionLine/workedTime Worked time (the quantity formatted as a time)
transactionLine/quantityWorkedTime Worked time (the quantity formatted as a time)
transactionLine/breakTime The break time calculated as quantity less (end - start time)
transactionLine/account/paymentDeductionType earnings, deduction, receivable, payable, time, other
transactionLine/account/accountName The account name
transactionLine/lineComment The line comment, adds a bracketed quantity and rate if present
transactionLine/lineCommentOnly The line comment only does not add quantity and rate
transactionLine/lineCommentAccountName The line comment but if blank defaults to the account name
transactionLine/accountNameBracketLineComment The account name and then the line comment in brackets
transactionLine/accountNameDashLineComment The account name and then a dash and then the line comment
transactionLine/rate The rate including taxes
transactionLine/rateTwoDP The rate to two decimal places
transactionLine/rateDPDollarSign The rate formatted
transactionLine/rateTwoDPDollarSign The rate to 2 decimal places formatted
transactionLine/netRate The rate excluding taxes
transactionLine/netRateTwoDP The rate excluding taxes to two decimal places
transactionLine/netRateDollarSign The rate excluding taxes formatted
transactionLine/netRateTwoDPDollarSign The rate excluding taxes formatted to 2 decimal places
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netRate The rate excluding taxes, but only where the tax is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netRateTwoDP The rate excluding taxes to two decimal places, but only where the tax is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netRateDollarSign The rate excluding taxes formatted, but only where the tax is GST
transactionLine/gstTaxable/netRateTwoDPDollarSign The rate excluding taxes formatted to 2 decimal places, but only where the tax is GST