Why is Free Accounting Software free?

Free Accounting Software is a genuinely free accounting software. It's free for micro businesses with 0 or 1 employee. Considering the price that others charge for the same thing we are often asked questions such as the following:

FAQ 1 - How much does it cost?

For businesses with 0 or 1 employee it's free. For businesses with 2 or more employees fees apply. For 2-4 employees it is $80 p.a. (as at July 2024)

FAQ 2 - How do you make money?

We make money by licensing the software to larger businesses, i.e 2 or more employees. We also license the software to tax agents and BAS agents.

Free Accounting Pty Ltd is a Chartered Accounting practice. We also provide taxation services to some users of the software.

FAQ 3 - So why did you make it free?

As a Chartered Accounting Practice we need great software for ourselves and our clients. We felt that most of the commercial software available is expensive, and the features are more focused on what sells rather than keeping good accounting records. So we built our own accounting software to suit our needs, and our standards for best practice.

Our mission

Our mission is to support the people who are having a go in small business by providing advanced easy to use accounting software and professional, affordable taxation services.